Intoduction to literature prof: Marroune

An overview of the main genres of literature, including fiction, poetry and drama. Examines literary language and different approaches to literary criticism designed to increase student confidence when responding to literature.
  • James joyce's the sisters
  • sherwood anderson's death in the woods
  • thomas hardy's A change man
  • John milton's When I consider How my light is spent
Learning Outcomes
Correctly define commonly used literary terms and concepts and use those terms and concepts to discuss and analyze works of literature.
Identify structural elements of works of poetry, fiction, and drama, and analyze how those elements help create specific meanings and effects.
Compare works of literature in terms of theme, structure, and use of literary devices.
Discuss and analyze works of poetry, fiction, and drama based on close reading of the texts.
Write effective literary analyses defending arguable theses based on close reading of texts and incorporating relevant literary terms and concepts.
Identify issues and questions raised by literary texts that might be addressed by literary analysis.

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